It's here, the December 2021 issue of Adventure She magazine was uploaded earlier today.
So if you're dreaming of travel and adventure, how about turning those dreams into goals, but not just goals, but SMARTER goals.
Yes the theme this time around is SMARTER goals.
The adventures are from places as far flung as Mali and Uzbekistan, Brazil and Romania, and Wales and Scotland!
Seriously, as always it's packed of stories that empower, educate and entertain. There's tips on safe open water swimming, navigation tips, goal setting tips. There's travel, there's adventure, there's inspiration.
But the best bit, is the feature length interview with the founder of Bradt Travel Guides, Hilary Bradt. She's a legend in the travel business and a brilliant story teller.
So if you have already subscribed to our 2021 issues, enjoy. If you haven't already subscribed, you can still do so for all of the years we've covered, including 2021. Simply go to It's only £15. Where else would you get so much for so little for remember, it's not just a travel or an adventure magazine, it's a magazine that in a very entertaining easy to read manner, aims to empower and eductate us to be our best possible self.
Enjoy everyone and remember, don't forget to subscribe
Founder and editor
Adventure She magazine