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Adventure She Magazine 

Issue 4 - December 2018 


Welcome to the fourth issue of Adventure She, the online magazine that aims to empower, educate and entertain by sharing stories of adventure. 


This is of course our final edition for 2018.  If you haven't already subscribed, why not go to the 'subscribe' tab, where you can still get hold of  our 2018 issues.  


In this issue, lots of our stories cover coping with change, be it the change that comes from coping with extreme weather, or from learning new skills, of from having to deal with extra challenging situations.  You'll see our story titles below. 


We very much hope you like what you see, and that you join us once more in 2019, in empowering, educating and entertaining people, whatever their age, race or creed.  


Happy reading, happy planning and happy adventuring. 


Editor and founder



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