Adventure She Magazine
Issue 16 - April 2022
Now Online

Our April issue is out and it's massive, absolutely packed with what we think are loads of empowering, motivating and inspiring stories. This is an issue that we think, definitely empowers, educates and entertains.
Last week we got the go ahead to publish a major piece on Afghanistan which we'd been holding onto for over 18 months. It's a story like no other, at least, not compared to what we've come across. After all, can you imagine being an Afghan woman training for a triathlon, whilst living in Afghanistan? We couldn't. But the Adventure She team isn't as brave as those inspiring women or the US woman who trained them in Afghanistan and elsewhere. They are all truly remarkable.
We've got hiking stories, a mountain biking story, a rowing story, an ultra running story as well as that triathlon story. So if you love your outdoor activities, subscribe below if you haven't already.
We've also got culture / travel stories from Mali and Ukraine, plus part 2 of our interview with former NZ prime minister Helen Clark, who subsequently became Administrator of the United Nations Development Program.
So what are you waiting for, go on, subscribe below for an entire year's worth of issues, that's 4 issues for 2022, for a total of just £12. After all, where else will you find so much inspiration and motivation for just £12 a year? Inspiration that will hopefully help you to live your best life.
Yes subscribe today and enjoy what we think is one of the most empowering, educating and entertaining magazines out there.
Happy reading everyone.
Bye for now
The Adventure She team