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Thank you for subscribing to our 2021 issues.

2021 subscribers get to read three massive original issues, plus a special UTMB issue, where we consolidated all of our UTMB issues, making it a great resource for any ultra runners hoping to participate in what's probably the world's greatest trail running festival and their support teams.


The themes for the 2021 issues are: 


  • April - Choice and how we choose to live our life.

  • August -  Control - what we can and can't control.

  • December - Goal setting, in particular, setting SMARTER goals.     

If you have already subscribed to previous issues, of course you can keep reading those too.  If you haven't yet subscribed to those issues, you can still buy them on our 'Subscribe' page.  If you encounter any problems in accessing the magazine, let us know, for we really are here to help you.  

Whether you bought the magazine using our website  or Issuu (and read it using a link Issuu sent you), it's great to have you as a reader.  We really hope you enjoy reading Adventure She and that you find it to be, yes you guessed it, empowering, educating and entertaining.

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