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Adventure She Story
Adventure She was founded by me, Jane Harries in late 2017. Turning 50 in that year I realised the years were flying by. I couldn't help but wonder how many more years would I have before my body refused to co-operate? For how many more years would it be willing to go on adventures?
I suddenly wished that I'd pushed myself far sooner, that I hadn't just stayed within my own perceived comfort zone. I also realised how issues such as fear, doubt and procrastination had held me back. The last thing I wanted, was for other women to let similar issues to also hold them back.
So I decided to set up Adventure She, an online flippable magazine, dedicated to sharing the stories of inspiring women. Since the first issue was published in March 2018, a total of 19 unique issues each with its own individual theme and one special UTMB issue have been published. The themes have included topics as varied as mental health, resilience, gratitude, fear, seizing the moment, reflection, leadership, SMARTER goal setting and time management. If you go to the 'back issues' section of this website, you'll see what themes were covered in which year, so you can be sure to buy the issues most relevant to you. Don't worry about what year an issue was published in, very few if any of the stories are truly time sensitive.
I really hope you will find Adventure She magazine to be empowering, educating and entertaining, just as I have been empowered, educated and entertained, in putting it together. Of course I couldn't have done it without all the amazing women who have contributed to the magazine. Thank you so much to each and every one of you.
Happy reading and happy adventuring everyone.